Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hemmingways The Sun Also Rises Essays (515 words) -

Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises In the novel The Sun Also Rises , written by Ernest Hemingway the main character makes a decision to introduce the woman he loves to a young bull fighter. Jake makes this decision very much agonist the will of his friends, but in doing so he pleases Brett. Jake does this because he is unconditionally committed to Brett, and is willing to do whatever necessary to bring her happiness, even if it is only temporary. Jake's first reaction to the news that Brett is interested in meeting and spending time with Romero is one of negativity. He learns of this from he friend Montoya and tells him "Don't give him the Message" (176). He did not think that it would be a good idea for Brett to have anything to do Romero, and did not want him to receive the message that invited him to have coffee with their group. At this point it is clear that Jake does not approve of this proposed encounter. His later decision to introduce them supports the idea that Jake is unconditionally devoted to Brett, and her happiness. The introduction was a very strange one. It was not as if Jake went out of his way for it to happen. It was much more the will of Brett. She raved on and on about Romero and insisted to Jake that they go and find him. Jake did not fight her on this issue, but he certainly did not provoke it. Jake was more of a stooge for Brett. She would have had her way even if Jake had not helped her. She uses her feminine charm, and there is, little that Jake can say. At one point she says ?Oh, darling, please stay by me. Please stay by me and see me through this?(188). Jake is to wrapped around her finger to refuse. There is no question in Jake?s mind that he will be losing Montoya as a friend and also the respect that others had once held for him, yet he choose Brett over these losses. Jake even goes as far as to make an agreement with with Montoya that he breaks upon the introduction of Brett to Romero. It says when Romero walked into the room he started to smile, but then say the group with Romero then at that point ?he did not even nod?(181). This was at the first introduction. The real damage had nod even been done yet, but Jake proceeded because he wanted to to make her happy. In this story Jake is forced with a decision that will change a great deal of his life. He decision ultimately costs him a good friendship, and takes away the respect that his other friends had once had for him. He does this consciously and unselfishly without hesitation. This does not mean that he has lost his moral creditability as a character, but rather the opposite. Jake becomes a stronger character after this because is shows his unconditional devotion and love for Brett.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Lexical Ambiguity Definition and Examples

Lexical Ambiguity Definition and Examples Lexical ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings for a single word. Its also called semantic ambiguity or  homonymy. It differs from syntactic ambiguity, which is the presence of two or more possible meanings within a sentence or sequence of words. Lexical ambiguity is sometimes used deliberately to create puns and other types of wordplay. According to the editors of the  MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, True  lexical ambiguity is  typically distinguished from polysemy (e.g., the N.Y. Times as in this mornings edition of the newspaper versus the company that publishes the newspaper) or from vagueness (e.g., cut as in cut the lawn or cut the cloth), though the boundaries can be fuzzy. Examples and Observations You know, somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen; it said, Parking Fine. So that was nice.(English comedian Tim Vine)Do you believe in clubs for young people? someone asked W.C. Fields. Only when kindness fails, replied Fields.(Quoted by Graeme Ritchie in The Linguistic Analysis of Jokes)Donald Ressler: The third guard, hes in the hospital. Berlin cut his hand off.Aram Mojtabai: No, no. Its a lexical ambiguity. He cut his hand off.Elizabeth Keen: Berlin cut off his own hand?(Berlin: Conclusion, The Blacklist, May 12, 2014)Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend; inside its too hard to read.(Groucho Marx)The rabbi married my sister.She is looking for a match.The fisherman went to the bank.I have a really nice stepladder. Sadly, I never knew my real ladder.(English comedian Harry Hill) Context [C]ontext is highly relevant to this part of the meaning of utterances. . . . For example, They passed the port at midnight is lexically ambiguous. However, it would normally be clear in a given context which of the two homonyms, port (harbor) or port (kind of fortified wine), is being used- and also which sense of the polysemous verb pass is intended. (John Lyons, Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction) Characteristics The following example, taken from Johnson-Laird (1983), illustrates two important characteristics of lexical ambiguity: The plane banked just before landing, but then the pilot lost control. The strip on the field runs for only the barest of yards and the plane just twisted out of the turn before shooting into the ground. First, that this passage is not particularly difficult to understand in spite of the fact that all of its content words are ambiguous suggests that ambiguity is unlikely to invoke special resource-demanding processing mechanisms but rather is handled as a byproduct of normal comprehension. Second, there are a number of ways in which a word can be ambiguous. The word plane, for example, has several noun meanings, and it can also be used as a verb. The word twisted could be an adjective and is also morphologically ambiguous between the past tense and participial forms of the verb to twist. (Patrizia Tabossi, Semantic Effects on Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution in Attention and Performance XV, edited by C. Umilt and M. Moscovitch) Processing Words Depending on the relationship among the alternative meanings available for a particular word form, lexical ambiguity has been categorized as either polysemous, when meanings are related, or homonymous, when unrelated. Although ambiguity is graded, for words that are at one or the other end of this spectrum and thus are easy to classify, polysemy and homonymy have been shown to have differing effects on reading behaviors. Whereas related meanings have been shown to facilitate word recognition, unrelated meanings have been found to slow processing times ... (Chia-lin Lee and Kara D. Federmeier, In a Word: ERPs Reveal Important Lexical Variables for Visual Word Processing in The Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Language, edited by Miriam Faust)